My Cuquipie is Thirty!

Quote of the Day:
“Best Friends are siblings God forgot to give us”
So my best friend Sandy turns 30 today! If you looked at her you wouldn’t think she was close to it! 
She is an amazing friend and I am so thankful to have her in my life!
We have been through ALOT together! 
We have fought…and made up…and fought…and made up ….and fought..played silent treatments for months…and then made up…LOL
We’ve been through it all..but one thing is for sure I know this girl would be there for me for any and everything. That’s why I love her!
Those individuals who have Sandy in their lives should be thankful that she is.
 And if they are not…
is all I have to say!
Sandy would definitely say that but in more piercing words…LOL
Gotta love her Puerto Rican Spice!
Thank you Sandy for never judging and always being there for me! 

Continuing to Learn

I must say I am enjoying my studies into Digital Multimedia!
Yesterday’s digital photography class we studied on Lighting and Perspective! We were in the studio the entire night shooting our classmates with different lighting techniques. It was awesome. Once done, we headed back into the classroom and made our Contact sheets for our instructor to go through and critique. 
I love it!
Anywho, my instructor is over the South Florida Camera Club, so next week his club is having a guest photographer by the name of Rick Sammon. So our assignment for next week is to attend the workshop with him! All I could think of was…


Onto one of my other classes…….Digital Publishing!
We are currently learning Digital Publishing with InDesign. I am learning SO MUCH in this class. From Magazine Page Layouts to Web Layouts for web designs, layouts for advertising, and a number of other things. Its amazing how so much detail goes into publishing a single layout….
During the process of learning, I am starting to just experiment and create SIMPLE layouts for my business to help.
Here is one that I have experimented with. 
I am still in the learning process.
But I think I did a pretty dern good job! Woop Woop! 😉
Let me know what you think!

Miami Heat Game with the Boys

Yesterday we had a family night out to go watch the Heat vs. Buck play at the American Airlines arena here in Miami, Florida.
Even though the Heat lost the experience being there surrounded by fans was awesome! All three of my loves LOVED it! 
We watched the game eating bottomless popcorn (Popcorn refills…lol)the entire game! 
Hate that the Heat lost but hey, you win some….you lose some!

A Little Diva in the Making

Today I shot a gorgeous little diva named Lala! 
Lala is the daughter of Music Artist “Silowett”, whom I have worked with numerous times and love working with. 
She was great during the shoot! Her mommy and little brother were there supporting her the entire time!
 She has that “Diva” mentality already in her blood so it was easy for her being in front of the camera! 😉 
She has the same drive as her mommy! I love it!
Make sure to look out for this little girl in the future!! 
To view more photos:

Quote of the Day

“When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes.  But when you photograph people in B&W, you photograph their souls!”  ~Ted Grant

My client absolutely LOVES black and white images!
 So what my client LOVES my client GETS!
Black and white photos, depending on the image, can make an image very strong and bring out the emotion being portrayed!

 Since I have started in my studies for digital media & post production one thing that is truly important to a digital image is LIGHTING! 
I am becoming quite good with the lighting inside the studio as well as in my location photography. I make sure I always take my softbox with me wherever I go. As in these photos I took of her the natural light plus artificial light that I used made the photos come out AMAZING!
I have improved ALOT in my lighting positioning and techniques. 
Still have TONS to learn but I am slowly but surely ridding my images of shadows..unless I want them..LOL! 

I am striving to improve for YOU!

Image in Color

My Preggo Model

One of my models, the lovely Diadra Mosley, that I have shot before has been blessed with a healthy pregnancy and will be delivering this March 2012. I am extremely excited for her. Diadra contacted me to be her photographer for her maternity shoot and of course I could not say no to her!! 😉 I was so excited to do her shoot. I had a great experience with shooting her Commercial Shoot last year so I knew this session was going to be amazing! 
She is the cutest….and SMALLEST preggo that I have ever seen. Nothing but belly! I was super jealous! She was absolutely glowing and beautiful for her shoot today! 
I want to thank her for choosing KLM Photography to capture the beginning of starting mommyhood!
I can’t wait to shoot her and her newborn baby boy when he gets here!!!
Congratulations Diadra!